Friday, June 13, 2008

One of these things . . .

I have a semi-big family -- three brothers and three sisters. What I think is funny about our family is that we don't really look that much alike. You know those families where it looks like a cookie-cutter has been used on all the kids? That's not us at all. We all have dark hair (some of us more of it than others), but that's pretty much where the similiarity ends.

To help prove my theory of "we're related but don't look like it" I had a couple photos taken of the two siblings who look the least alike - my brother K and me. I like the first photo because it shows the difference in our coloring (I am usually so white I'm nearly transparent; K is dark enough at times that people have asked him which of his parents is black). I like the second photo just because it shows my lazy eye. ;)

Now, looking at the pictures I can see that we have the same jawline, and we both have dark eyes, but that's not enough to show relation, is it? What do you think? Would you look at those pictures and say, "Oh yeah, those two are definitely brother and sister."? My other siblings fit in the range of look-alike-ness between us, but no one looks that much like another sibling.

Is that weird? Or is it just me? Or are our parents not telling us something? Hmmm . . .


Grenzie said...

I agree that the jawlines are somewhat similar but that is about it. I mainly wanted to comment because I feel like I remember you telling me that you were once in a R.S. Manual picture with a family that wasn't yours. Did that 'family' look like a family?

Other random question - why is there a handicap symbol next to the word verification thing to post to comment? Am I short-bus?

Miss M said...

Silly, Grenzie.

And yes, the "family photo" I was in that showed up in the Ensign looked like a real family. Much more than the one I'm in. Weird.