Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Fair

Another annual delight for me is the State Fair. Now, if you go to the Fair with the wrong kind of expectations, it can be a horrible time. These are the things I expect when I make my visit:

  • Lots and lots and lots of people -- of all varieties (it makes for great people-watching)
  • Noise -- lots and lots and lots
  • Weird smells -- lots and lots and lots, eminating from just about everywhere, including the people
  • Fried Foods -- each year there seem to be more kinds to buy
  • Farm animals who don't care that you're there to see them
  • Original artwork -- ranging from awesome (photography) to just plain weird (an entire Barbie house made out of yarn)

With these expectations in place, I venture forth, usually with some like-minded friends, and we enjoy ourselves. Here are some of my favorites from this year . . .

The cute piggies -- oh, how I love them Seriously, I want one
The Butter Sculpture -- classic