Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I've always loved dressing up and playing make believe. I did it a ton as a kid. Maybe that's part of the reason I was a drama-nerd in high school. Or maybe I was just a nerd. Hmmm.

But that may also be why I consider Halloween to be one of the best times of the year. Yeah, there's free candy and ghosts and goblins and blah blah blah. But the best part is figuring out a fun costume (or three) to wear.

This year I had the chance to try out a few different looks, what with the different parties and whatnot. Here are the looks I rocked for 2008:

Punk Marie: Really, I'm not as angry as I look. I think I just need a hug.
My work costume: I think I'm buff enough to pull of Mr. Clean. Plus, finding a costume where you get to incorporate a bald cap is always good.
Group Costume: Some friends and I did Mr. Roger's Land of Make Believe characters. I'm Lady Elaine Fairchild. I think this turned out awe-some.

I'm always looking for good ideas for future costumes, so if you have any good ones, throw them my way. I can guaratee I'll be dressing up again next year.


bigal said...

Okay, scare me. The punk chick looks like she's ready to go score some more heroin...and then turn into Lady Elaine.