Once in a while I do something that warrants a little pat on the back. So, here's my pat-pat. Last weekend I went down to Moab so I could run the Canyonlands Half Marathon {for the third time, thankyouverymuch}. I'm not a die-hard runner or anything. It's good exercise, and races are fun to do {especially if your friends do them too}. And as I always do with my friends, I had a blast! The race was good {got my best time ever - holla!}, but it was just great to have a mini road trip with my friends and cram so much laughter into two days. Next year, ladies?
*It must be noted that brillant me forgot to bring her running pants with her, so a special thanks goes out to Camille for being an overpacker and having an extra pair that I borrowed. Friends are great in so many ways - lending you pants is just one of them.
While showing Doug your entry and pictures, it came out that he doesn't know who Zac Efron is. Wow...between that and thinking that Breakfast at Tiffany's is about a girl named Tiffany, I don't know about that kid.
WOW! I had no idea you were such a runner, when did this start?
Ok- you are officially amazing! I still hate running and have loads of respect for anyone who runs. :0)
I'm soooo impressed! I especially like the "how I really felt after" picture, because that's what I look like just thinking about 13.1 miles...
Way to go. One day I WILL accomplish such a feat-hopefully that same race. My bro lives in Moab and I would love another excuse to go and visit. Rock on my running friend!
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