Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Man, I'm glad I called that guy

You know that scene at the end of "Billy Madison" where Steve Buscemi's character shoots Brad Whitford's character just as Brad's character is about to kill Billy? Right after, Billy says, "Man, I'm glad I called that guy" because he's so glad Steve Buscemi's character saved him.

Well, I had a somewhat similar experience today. No, no one was shooting at me, but I did get a flat tire while driving on the freeway. Yuck. Plus, it has been snowing practically all day today. I called my office to see if one of the fine gentlemen who work with me would come help me change my tire. My great colleague, Josh, showed up and did a bang-up job. And he seemed so happy to be helping me. Nice people are the best.

Man, I'm glad I called that guy.


Unknown said...

I once had a flat tire and I called this guy who I didn't know very well. His name was Doug. He is nice. I'm glad I called that guy.