Wednesday, September 1, 2010

That's More Awkward Than . . .

A while ago, some of my colleagues and I were talking about possible summer parties for our office.  Someone jokingly suggested we have a swim party.  We all laughed because why would we ever do that?  How could that even be fun?  How completely awkward would it be to be in your swimsuit around the people you work with?

{Lifeguards, I suppose, are the exception to this.  Or maybe not.}

Anyway, since I love me some awkwardness, it got me thinking about other reeeally awkward situations:
-Having . . . uh, digestive issues while in a job interview
-Getting a bikini wax from your ex-husband's girlfriend {just read about that on another blog}
-Being set-up on a date with a kid you babysat {um yeah, really happened to me}

And now I would love to hear from you.  Could you come up with something even more awkward than any of those?  Real-life or made-up, I don't mind.


Nichole said...

Once I told an older man in my office that I thought he was an older single man because he doesn't have any family pictures up, just sports memorabilia on his walls, bookshelf and desk.

But, once that older man pulled my hair and almost/basically chased me around the office with a shotgun one of his clients left in his car.

Talk about awkward!

dkeaquinto said...

Being the one who set up a friend with a kid she used to babysit...

I swear I had no idea!

Jan said...

How about...
Puking on a first date--in front of your date? (Didn't happen to me, but I was related to the guy and friends with the girl!)

In the middle of Sacrament Meeting at BYU, the speaker looks up from his notes and says, "Hey, it's Jan K.!" Everyone in the auditorum turns around and looks at me. Just a little awkward...