Friday, October 29, 2010


My mom is way cool.  I get some awesomeness from her.  Remember?

And she's different from other moms - in all the best ways.  She stayed home (most of the time) and baked cookies and did other mom stuff.  But she did some things that really set her apart for me:
  • She always told my sisters and me that we weren't allowed to get married until we were at least as old as she was (24) because she wanted us to live life and have some of our own experiences first.  Although I may have taken this rule to the extreme.
  • She went on a mission.  Because she wanted to.  Back in a time when it wasn't necessarily the thing for girls to do.
  • She always wears red nails and red lips.
  • She never hides the fact that she's smart.  And she wouldn't let her kids do that either.
  • She willingly moved to the Philippines and lived in a house with geckos and snakes for three years because our church asked her to.
  • She sings along to awesome music in the car (like Neil Diamond).
  • She asked to try on my blue wig when she was at my house the other day.  And she rocked it.

I sure love this lady.  Maybe one day I'll be as cool as her.


Jan said...

Ditto what you said. I've always thought I had a pretty awesome mom. She gave us some pretty big shoes to fill. (Patent leather stilletos, no less!)

Jonna said...

Ditto, your mom is pretty dang AWESOME!!

bigal said...

Oh, my mother. (hiding)