Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Thoughts

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.  I have no good excuse for not posting for 2 weeks.  I'm sorry.  But I also don't have much to share today, so I'll just leave you with some random Friday thoughts:

  • Super excited for the Oscars this weekend - James Franco as a {hopefully} funny and charming host, {most assuredly}an adorable acceptance speech by Colin Firth and plenty of gown-gazing.  It will be lovely.
  • Some day I will be brave enough to shave my head.  But not today.
  • I always say that kindness is the best trait people can have, but sometimes I wonder if I'm too kind.  Hard to explain, but I think I need to be a bit more abrasive sometimes.
  • Pretty sure I'm going to party with Youngest Sister and her family sometime soon.  Yeah for that!
  • I had a super awesome friend surprise me this week with a visit to my office with a yummy treat for me.  Made my day.
  • My friends' Oscars party is next weekend, and I have a divine gown and gloves to wear {don't worry - I'll share picures}.  Now I just need to nail down hair and make-up.  So excited.
  • Lucas North {aka - Richard Armitage on MI-5} has reentered my life.  And I am so enjoying it.
  • I get to have dinner tonight with some great friends who I've known for a long time but don't get to see very often.  I think it's a great way to kick off my weekend.
Enjoy your weekend, all.