Monday, November 7, 2011

Halloween 2011

It was another fabulous year.  I didn't have time to get in multiple costumes this year, what with the NYC trip, but that's alright because Ninja Marie met up with a princess ballerina, a ranger, a duck, Darth Vader, Superman, Simba, a bumblebee, a pirate maiden, Rapunzel, Rapunzel, a peacock and the 3 Amigos.  Good times were had by all.

Yes, ninjas can be near-sighted.  So what.


Unknown said...

Doug has a balaclava (which I always get mixed up with baklava) that he wears when he rides his bike to work. Yesterday, I said he should be a ninja for Halloween next year. He then put on his reflective coat and said "I can be a yellow ninja!" Ummm...I think that would ruin the ninja-ness.