Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Peanut Butter

I love peanut butter.

Really. I love it.

It's not fancy, and you usually eat it on bread, and little kids get fed it quite often, but I think it's marvelous.

I brought a jar of it to work yesterday to enjoy with some apples {yum!}, and I forgot to take it home. So today I've been staring at it longingly. I literally have had to stop myself from getting a spoon and going to town.

I could eat it every day. I enjoy it almost as much as weirdo Joe Black, as portrayed by Brad Pitt.

Weirdo. A very hot peanut butter-loving weirdo but still a weirdo.

What about you? What non-glamorous food do you adore?


Dasha said...

Hard-boiled eggs. Which I realize is kind of gross but there you have it. Maybe it makes me cool in a Cool Hand Luke sort of way though.