Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Grand Adventure

You know how it's so fun to be single at Christmas when everything is all about families? Oh, you don't? Well, sometimes the most festive time of year kind of sucks. So what does a single gal do? She gets together with two of her best friends, and they create a fabulous adventure.

Case in point.

Christmas Eve: Check into Grand America. Have dinner. See some lights. Hot tub. Watch some movies. Have a most awesome time.

Our beautiful room
Deb trying to get out onto our balcony.
Yep. That's right. Our balcony.
Meg showing off our stationery, etc at our desk.
Meg showing how awesome our beds are for jumping.
Deb reading up on all the hotel amenities.
Me being a dork, basically.
Deb trying a "dry" run in the tub.
The outer room of the bathroom. Oh, and us.
Meg checking out the minibar that none of us would touch.
Who has an extra $50 for a coke?
Enjoying some reading before we head out to dinner.
Meg takes reading so seriously.
After we had some delicious Thai food, we headed to Temple Square to see the lights.
Hands down, the best picture of the night.
The fablous trio on Temple Square
The lights at our hotel
When we returned to our room, the maids had already take care of the turn-down service. Wasn't that so nice of them?
Plus, we got a great additional treat - cookies and milk!
Christmas: Wake up to a beautiful morning. Get a stocking full of goodies from the hotel. Order room service. Go home in pajamas. Have a most awesome time.

We ordered room service. What wonderful treats could await us under those covers?
Yummy yummy yummy. You are sad you didn't get to eat with us. Trust me.
And so went our grand adventure at the Grand America. It was a very merry Christmas for us. I hope it was for all of you as well.


snickers said...

Wow! We did have a fabulous time, didn't we?! I love that pic of Deb. It makes me laugh every time I see it!


Em said...

Singles Ladies Christmas at a posh hotel. I love it! I have got to try that next year...you're very wise.