Friday, December 4, 2009

Eat Up - Time to Celebrate

Holidays are great, aren't they? There's usually some kind of celebration involved, and you can always work in food. And speaking of food, did you know that there are lots {and I mean, lots} of holidays for food? You may recall that in a previous post I mentioned National Oatmeal Day. As I was looking things up about this holiday, I came across a site that lists out most of the food holidays.

For kicks and giggles, I scanned through the list checking out some of the holidays - National Cheese Lovers' Day, National Waffle Day, National Pigs-in-a-Blanket Day, etc. As I was scanning, I noticed that one of my sister's birthdays is National Angel Food Cake Day. Nice. So, I decided to check out some other family member's birthdays. Not everyone else had a food holiday fall on their birthday. The only other ones I could find were another sister {National Guacamole Day} and a brother {He has two! National Hamburger Day and National Chocolate Milk Day}. Such wonderful foods to celebrate along with your birth, right?

Well, of course I had to check for myself. What would it be? If all were right with the universe, it would be doughnuts. But I knew it wasn't. The day before my birthday is National Lemon Chiffon Cake Day. Yum. The day after is National Clams on the Half Shell Day. Love me some seafood. Could I get something as delicious?

Something I love? Or even just like?

Maybe hot chocolate? Or gum even?


March 30 - National Turkey Neck Soup Day

This says so many things about me, you don't even know.


bigal said...

Wohoo! It's me! Maybe we'll have hamburgers and chocolate milk for my birthday next year. And I'm TOTALLY making turkey neck soup for you on yours!

Meredith said...

you're funny!

dkeaquinto said...

You are hilarious!! I love this post! I checked out the site where you found it to, of course, check out my own birthday. Yeah, it wasn't there, so I googled it, because I don't take no for an answer. And yes, I found it and it was.......National Brisket Day!! I know perfect, right?
Love ya,

Jan said...

Next year I'll be hoping to receive some chips to go with my guacamole! Ole!

And turkey neck soup is wrong on so many levels. Your birthday should have been "National Food Other People Cooked For You" day!